
Cathy Pope - Real Women, Real Words

Cathy Pope - Real Women, Real Words

In my new campaign simply titled REAL WOMEN, REAL WORDS, I’m celebrating real and uniquely authentic women in a series of stunning portraits and poignant interviews.This campaign features both joyful and solemn portraits of five, 100% authentic Cathy Pope Jewellery customers, as opposed to typical models.

I decided to step out of my comfort zone from behind to in front of the camera for this shoot. This campaign is all about authenticity and I didn’t want to use typical models, so I thought – well I suppose that’s me! You’ll be getting to know me a little better over the coming weeks, as I share some big and small lessons I’ve learnt over the past 44 years.

How did Cathy Pope Jewellery happen?

I started my jewellery business because I wanted to create beautiful, uncluttered designs that had an honesty and individuality about them. I didn’t like a lot of what  I saw in the shops and I had an aversion to wearing mass produced designs and looking like everyone else. I started creating jewellery just for me but soon my friends wanted necklaces, then a shop asked to stock them and before I knew it I had a business!

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

The grief of losing my father suddenly at 19 consumed most of my 20s so I fumbled my way through but they weren’t the happiest of years. I’ll be the first to admit that I was a late bloomer and I’ve learnt many lessons the hard way. What I do know is that we have no control over life’s uncertainties other than how we choose to react to them.  I would tell her to always trust and believe in herself. Don’t rely on opinions of others to define her self worth. To explore her creativity and find joy in her talents. To walk away from relationships sooner if they made her unhappy.

What are the most important things you’ve learned in life so far?

To do things that challenge you because they force you to grow. Worry achieves nothing. Let people love you. Compassion and kindness are everything. I’ve also come to understand that it’s ok to put yourself first, look after your skin, quality over quantity, ask questions, perfection doesn’t exist, less is more, you can’t change people, be happy.

Keep an eye on my social media pages for more images of Cathy over the next few weeks.

Watch our behind the scenes clip here and shop Cathy’s style below.

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