
Sacha - Real Women, Real Words

Sacha - Real Women, Real Words

In my new campaign simply titled REAL WOMEN, REAL WORDS, I’m celebrating real and uniquely authentic women in a series of stunning portraits and poignant interviews.This campaign features both joyful and solemn portraits of five, 100% authentic Cathy Pope Jewellery customers, as opposed to typical models.

Sacha Stejko is a talented, humble and well respected portrait and fashion photographer. I’ve known Sacha since she was 16 when I worked with her mother on a film and over the years I’ve watched her talents explode as she’s produced polished and high quality images. About 4 years ago I asked Sacha if she’d be interested in shooting my jewellery and we’ve been a tight team ever since. As well as the client/photographer relationship we’ve also become great friends and last year we travelled to India with our pals Ema Frost and Flox on our self funded collaboration The Painted Peacock Project. Together we’ve shared many creative experiences, adventures, laughter and recently heartbreak and tears. Earlier this year Sacha tragically lost her love Jeremy and one day while we discussed the concept of this campaign, we both realised that Sacha had so much wisdom and experience to share.  I’m honoured that she embraced my suggestion to step out from behind the camera and share some of herself and her real words at such a difficult time in her life.

What attracted you to Cathy Pope Jewellery?
I’ve known you since I was 16 so I was ecstatic when you asked me to shoot your jewellery and for the past 4 years we’ve collaborated, grown creatively and shared so many amazing experiences together. I especially adore the piece of rose quartz that my beautiful man gave me for my birthday this year. It sits close to my heart and reminds me of our love.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Be kind to yourself.

What are the most important things you’ve learned in life so far?
Life has taught me that nothing is permanent and to treasure every moment. My partner Jeremy passed on this motto to me ‘How I do anything is how I do everything.” I’ve also learnt that out of the most heartbreaking circumstances comes the most amazing understanding and kindness. I never knew how much support and love I had until I really needed it. The people we love are more important than anything else in the world. That we are a lot kinder to other people than we are to ourselves. Someone once gave me some really great advice and that is to let my passion be my medicine. Channel your sadness into creating.

Keep an eye on my social media pages for more stunning images of Sacha over the next few weeks.

Watch our behind the scenes clip here and shop Sacha’s style below.

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