
The Power of Onyx

The Power of Onyx

After 10 years of creating jewellery for women, I can confidently say that onyx is my best selling gemstone. This is in part because NZ women love wearing black but also because of the powerful healing and protective properties that this might stone offers. 

In addition to being a stunning stone to look at, it is also a powerful protection gemstone for the person who is wearing it. The stone is able to transform negative energy and absorb it. This helps to prevent the draining of the wearer's personal energy. A powerful warrior stone, the Onyx crystal meaning helps stomp out negative thought patterns stemming from the most debilitating and toxic emotion of them all – fear. Include Onyx in your gem collection and always know that whatever happens, this powerful root chakra stone always has your back.



The noble Onyx is a most ancient stone, known and utilized by even the earliest civilizations for its powerful energy and somber beauty. This deep black stone ribboned with white was highly prized for use in ceremonies and burials, scrying and magical work, and as amulets on swords, shields and armor to protect and strengthen warriors in battle. Many cultures, including the Greeks and Romans, utilized Onyx and its counterpart, the brownish-red Sardonyx, to carve figures of the gods and heroes in cameos and intaglio engravings, to make stamps and seals, stone inlays and tiles, and as handles and bases for goldwork. Onyx is referenced in numerous historical manuscripts and sacred texts, and is the first precious stone named in the Bible, described in Genesis as an element of creation. It resided with gold and the fragrant resin bdellium in the land of Havilah, an area surrounded by the Pishon River that flowed from the garden of Eden. 

Onyx Meaning

Echoing the stillness of the night sky, the Onyx crystal stone meaning symbolizes initiation and change in Peruvian and Native American traditions because it inspires feelings of personal power that comes from facing your fears. Being free of garden-variety phobias is like having a super power. It frees your soul from the shackles of self-doubt and anxiety by guiding you to a richer, more meaningful existence.

Featuring black deep black with white and gray bands of color, Onyx symbolizes the three different phases of our ever-spinning planet. Black represents the cool and still night skies, gray is the sky at predawn and dusk, and white is the color of the everyday. In the world of fairytales the magic always takes place at dusk or dawn, the time when all is still in the glow of twilight. Together, these colors represent the interconnectedness of black and white, the yin-yang of the universe, which helps restore balance to the root chakra. The healing properties of Onyx are a gem at soothing the stress of everyday life because it works to bring harmony to the work-life balance with its grounding effects that make you feel safe and anchors you to the earth. Feel forever frazzled or include Onyx into your daily wellness routine.


Onyx Healing Properties

Grab your Onyx crystals and fall into the void of the dark and mysterious, the place where the truth of your inner self reflects who you really are, not what society expects. Get ready for a mind-bending journey because when you connect with the energy field of Onyx, all filters are stripped away and you begin to see the inner depths of your soul. The Onyx provides strong and intuitive guidance on a shamanic journey that first takes you into the darkness before guiding you toward the light.

Know thyself but on your own terms. Belief systems? Meh. Gender roles? Who needs ‘ em? Onyx healing properties sheds light on your inner truth in meditation practice because it's a chance for a one-on-one with you and the universe. This dark and brooding quartz keeps the mind free of societal expectations and self-doubt, leaving just you and your authentic self to contemplate your existence within the vast universe.


Sounds intense but don’t take yourself too seriously during your therapeutic session, especially if your mind is prone to wondering. In fact, meditating with the Onyx crystal is an excellent way to take stock of your current state of being. Notice what thoughts creep up and distract you. Is it memories from the past? A foreboding of the future? Whatever thoughts are holding you back from your full potential, toss them to the side and brush that dirt off your shoulder. Once your mind is clear and receptive, let the Onyx take you to the magical world of dusk, a special time when darkness gives way to light.

It’s a matter of black and white when it comes to the Onyx crystal healing properties. Combine it with white crystals like Selenite and Clear quartz to encourage wholeness and harmony within your space. Just like the male and female energies and the moon and the sun, black and white are opposites in nature, yet they can't exist without the other. There must be light to cast a shadow and vice versa, making the contrast of black-and-white an essential healing tool that syncs up with the duality of the universe. Black crystals like Onyx offer protection and security while white provides clarity and new beginnings, giving perfect balance to your heart and spirit.

Where is onyx found?

Onyx is a gemstone found in various regions of the world including Yemen, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Latin America, the UK, and various states in the US.

Is Onyx only black? 

Onyx is a variety of layered chalcedony, which is a type of the mineral quartz. Typically an onyx is either slightly transparent or completely opaque. The most common onyx type has two basic layers – a black base and a white upper layer. But some of its varieties exhibit parallel bands of different colors in between these layers. Depending on these color bands, onyx is classified into the following types:

  1. Sardonyx: Sardonyx is usually flat banded and has a brown base with color bands in the shades of red. It is a relatively common and affordable variety of onyx.
  2. Cornelian Onyx: This variety of onyx has a red base with lighter color bands. It displays alternating red and white bands that look extremely appealing.
  3. Niccolo Onyx: This type of onyx has a very thin upper layer. It allows the color of the black base layer to be seen through as grey or blue.
  4. Black Onyx: There are certain onyx varieties where the stone has a single color and no color banding. Black onyx, the most popular onyx gemstone variety belongs to this category. But a solid black onyx is very rarely found in nature. Usually, a grey chalcedony undergoes treatment and is turned into a black onyx

When you connect with the Onyx crystal healing properties, remember the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson—“ What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do.” Grab your Onyx jewelry or stone and conquer your fears, the only thing standing in the way of you and your true destiny.



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